Thursday, 12 May 2016


13-14-15 May La Città dei destini incrociati
Various venues across Bergamo, Italy

The Host Ghost, Sarah Sparkes, 2016

My work,'The Host Ghost' will be exhibited at:
The Blank Contemporary Art
Via Giacomo Quarenghi, 50
24122 Bergamo
, Italy

Artists, who have previously worked with the Blank, have been invited to exhibit something that represents them. In my absence, I have sent my ghost

The exhibition is part of ARTDATE, a prestigious annual art event that takes place in many public and private galleries, museums and other venues across the beautiful city of Bergamo.

This year the theme and title of ARTDATE is 'The City of Crossed Destinies', based upon Italo Calvino's book'The Castle of Crossed Destinies' which features one of the oldest Tarot decks, the Colleoni-Baglioni or Visconti-Sforza tarot, which is held in the Accademia Carrar, Bergamo
My film, 'Time You Need', has also just entered the permanent collections of GAMeC (Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bergamo)


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